Ayraa's vision is to democratize knowledge delivery and discovery and to become an AI assistant that drives all knowledge communication interfaces at work. Ayraa focuses on fast-growth tech companies, where processes, knowledge, domain ownership, and managers are constantly in motion.
Instead of only focusing on customer-facing roles leaving significant gaps in the platform, Ayraa serves the entire organization with end-to-end coverage of knowledge sources, flows & stakeholders across the organization, thereby consolidating knowledge capture & inference tools into a single platform and eliminating knowledge silos & cost inefficiencies.
Instead of relying heavily on semantic search, which is unreliable & rarely effective in production, Ayraa uses an advanced, multi-pass keyword search approach that aligns with the user's expectations on search results and then uses semantic search only to score results found - creating a best-of-both-worlds outcome.
Guru has marketed Collections, Wiki & Intranet & recently announced the availability of Enterprise Search for customer-facing teams.
Employees increasingly rely on updates being brought to them instead of reading Wikis & the Intranet. Unlike Guru's search-only focus, Ayraa has also invested in feature-rich Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android apps to ensure organization-wide ease of use & real-time knowledge publication.